Helloooooooo y'all!!
It's time once again for
Where I find absolutely nothing from an actual flea market (Delusional remember? *winks*) And instead usually shop my local thrift and antique stores. Gotta keep em in business!
This week I only have three new things to share with you... but they're good ones I think *winks*
I have an addiction for this first item that's going to need to be nipped in the bud quickly due to size constraints... but I digress...
I... like so many here in the blogesphere am in love with antique dress forms! Have you fallen victim to their charm as well?
There's something so whimsical and wonderfully sculptural about them don't you think?
Well the hubby and I were visiting one of my favorite stores in Sumner Wa called Today's Country Store. When I spotted a dreamy dress form in the front window. I actually climbed up into the window to check her out... and then I spied the price tag... Now usually there isn't even a price tag... So many sellers use them for display that you'll usually see a "NFS" Not for sale tag. And even finding the antique ones I love with metal skirt cages is getting to be increasingly difficult... Probably because of all the other bloggers who have fallen in love with them too *winks* Anyway the price was... Quelle horror! $395!! I think I must have cried a little too loudly and not just because of the price... I was now stuck in the front display window! Lol! Well a sales girl came over to help (I'm sure in fear that I was going to take down every item around me trying to get out of "said" window) and shared with me that all the items in the front window were 50% off! The seller was downsizing. So what could I do? The price was still... well pricey... But I gave in and brought her home and I'm so glad I did! I wanted to give her a French name... Something like Musette or Chantal... but she's an Acme dress form from Brooklyn N.Y. so she became a Penelope instead lol! She's the one in front. Shown with one other of my
metal skirt dress forms. Both actually purchased in the same place but with years between the two! Penelope has a tiny wasp waist measuring just 22.5" Isn't she cool? She's dated 1908 making her an Edwardian Miss.
A little shabby but still looking pretty good for 104. Alone...
And with her sister *winks*
I just LOVE this cage skirt! The caster wheels are wood.
Cool top piece too!
You can barely see but she's dated 1908.
Finally I have a dress form with a waist small enough to share this lovely Victorian dress with you! One of my friends (and neighbors) shared it with me. It was just sitting in her closet in a garment bag. Now I'm bringing it out where we can all enjoy it!
It has some pretty details.
I especially love the beautiful (smocked/ruched?) lace sleeves.
The ruching goes all around the sleeves.
And my last item to share this week is a new (to me) Victorian girandole (Description for girandole HERE) I also found in Sumner for $60 featuring a young girl and boy.
Close up
I'm starting to gather a small collection of these beauties. I pick them up when I can find them for $50 or less but this one was a larger example so I splurged *winks*
That's all for this weeks finds.
I hope you'll stop by in a couple of days for my blog followers giveaway! I'm still digging through my crap... Ahem... I mean treasures to find the perfect "Thank You" gift *winks*
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you'll leave me a comment and I'll do the same. I just LOVE hearing from you! Vanna
I'm joining Sherry at No Minimalist Here for:

The wonderful Paula and Patti from Ivy & Elephants for:

Honey from 2805 for:

Courtney of French Country Cottage for:

And Cindy of My Romantic Home for:

And The Polka Dot Closet for: