My Blog = My Life + Single Dad Laughing

Single Dad Laughing - Lessons Learned

At the end of each week, I'm going to run a feature here on Will Work 4 Followers with a rundown of the last week's worth of posts on Single Dad Laughing. The purpose of the feature will be to discuss at least one lesson I've learned with each post on Single Dad Laughing (the good, the bad, the anything) so that you either a) learn from what worked for me, or b) learn from what didn't work for me. Sometimes the lessons will be extremely simple (and almost seemingly non-important), sometimes they'll be bigger.

Since the ultimate goal is for us all to get better at blogging together, I hope everybody will participate in today's discussion below, since I'd like to learn from you and your blogging successes/mistakes as well!-

Last Saturday, I posted "Juggling the Thermostat", a humorous look at the changing of the seasons, how it often leads to freezing/roasting to death, and procrastination.
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Relevant to: Single Dad Laughing - Lessons Learned + Single Dad Laughing