I've noticed lately that a lot of bloggers have done posts on their year in review. So many have accomplished some amazing projects.
So I thought "hey why don't I take this opportunity to share my favorite 11 finds for 2011?!!"... OK really not that exciting I know, but I'm working it here *winks* so are you with me?
Wanna see?
Well grab yourself a nice warm beverage (cookies optional *winks*) and settle in for a nice walk down thrifty bird lane lol!
You can click on the pictures for links to their original posts should you wish to browse some more... Just sayin'
I'm going to start backwards from my 11th favorite and move up to #1... Builds tension right? *Heh heh*
Starting in the 11th spot is this fab frenchy clock I found at the Value Village for $3.99. I think it was a really good buy and I love it!
In 10th place is this really amazing hand painted chair (Well I think so anyway) from craigslist for only $10!! I've never seen anything like it for that price.
It features a sweet courting couple.
In the #9 spot is this large statue of a french lady and her children. This one was a trade with a craigslist seller for something I had lying around and never used so it was pretty much FREE! And that's the best price of all don'tcha think?
In 8th place is this charming but scratched $49 portrait of a girl. I almost didn't buy her, but I'm so glad I did because she seems to add life and interest everywhere I place her.
7th place turned out to be a wonderful surprise because I was afraid I'd probably paid too much ($86.50) for this cute little inkwell, but she was so wonderfully French! If just a little spendy, so I took her home. She turned out to be old paris porcelain from around the 1820's-1840's according to my friend (And antiquer extraordinaire Richard Cottrell of the fabulous blog My Old Historic House) and at a very good price after all... Yay!! I just love when it works out that way!... Instead of the other *winks*... Not that that ever happens... *nose growing an inch*

Isn't she adorable?

In 6th place is this pair of vintage concrete cherubs for $35! I couldn't believe the price and strained my back trying to pick them both up so no one could swoop in on my lovlies! Lol! This shot was taken in the summer, but they're still living on my porch getting mossy *winks*
Close up.
5th place goes to one so dear to my heart, this lovely antique nude lady statue covered in beautiful roses! I love everything about her! I adore beautiful old nudes! Does that make me "risque"? *winks*
She's even holding a sweet little rose.
In 4th place is this lovely French globe de mariee case. I paid almot $200 with shipping, but it was money well spent. I can't seem to get enough of these beauties! And this one is an absolute favorite.
3rd place goes to this beautiful dresden cherub mirror that my hubby did a little upright adaption to via the Goodwill.. If you've read my blog before you probably know how much I LOVE cherubs!! What is it about those chubby little dimpled baby knees that I just can't resist? *winks*
Close up.
Almost there!... In the #2 spot is this fabulous large alabaster bust of a girl. She was a steal on ebay for $256. A lot I know, but she's one of my absolute favorite things!
And in the #1 spot is this one of a kind hand painted bed from the 1920's featuring paintings of nudes that I found for $45!! (Yes I really would swear on the bible) *winks* I kept looking at the price tag to make sure there wasn't an extra zero somewhere? But nooooo it really was only $45.I've been HAPPY DANCING about it ever since lol!

The three muses?

And a lovely piper with sheep in the background (Another one of my favorite things)

Well that's my list of favorites... Which ones were yours? I'd love to hear from you!
And the Happiest of New Years to you all! Vanna