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  • Flea Market Finds Pour La Semaine Quarante-Quatre

    Flea Market Finds Pour La Semaine Quarante-Quatre

    Helloooooo sweet friends!!
    Once again it's time for...
    Where I share the goods that I've found in thrift stores, garage and estate sales, and local antique stores... Pretty much everywhere but a Flea Market! Lol! I wish we actually had flea markets at this time of year, but alas no. So what did I find this week?... Well for starters one of the most amazing lampshades I've ever seen!! It's lacy, it's foofy! It's sooooo divine!! I hope you'll think so too *winks* It was a very good week for cool stuff! I'm going to start with these lovely vintage petticoats that I found in a local antique store for $9 ea. One is such a pretty pale pink...

    And the other has this wonderful ruffled feather effect. I think they would be great maybe for lampshades?

    Then there were these beautiful old rhinestone clips for $5 at the same antique store. I added them to a pair of my ballet pointe shoes.

    But my find of the week (possibly the month) was this amazing 1920's french lace ruffled lampshade in pink with the most scrumptious ribbon work roses! As we were walking the local antique store one of the clerks came up and told us there was an antique show going on nearby... Nuff said... Off we went! Usually I prefer to be one of the first in the door, but this time I thought we'd take a chance coming late. And sure enough it worked!! I had wandered around a bit and spotted a lamp that I liked. I turned around to ask the dealer for his "friendliest" price... And there it was... The heavenly angels were singing!... And there was a glowing halo of light around this object! So I played it very cool and asked what his best price would be? (All the while thinking I was willing to sell my first born?... a kidney?) OK... I jest, but just a little *winks* When he said $125. I asked him if he could do a little better? And he told me $100 and I said "SOLD!!" I was all but jumping up and down! And I nearly hugged him! I did tell him that finding this shade "made" the show for me. And as I walked away from his booth a lady stopped me to ask where I had found it? She oooh'd and ahhhh'd for a bit and this ended up repeating about every 20 feet throughout the entire show! I think it was the closest I'll ever come to feeling like a movie star *winks* Talk about a conversation starter! So here it is!

    And as a group shot.

    It's huge! I've never seen one this large and beautiful. Just look at the gorgeous ribbon roses and bow!

    At the same show I found this Italian tole table lamp for a song. It was a really great day for deals I tell ya! *winks*

    It has these cool scrolly arms. And I love the base.

    It's off to etsy because I don't have room for one more thing at my house!

    Here I'm using Glory Isabella to show a closeup of this wonderful turn of the century hat with lots of old millinery roses and lace netting that I found at the same show. The dealer told me that if I held the flowers over a pot of steam it would refresh the flowers and de-flatten them. I'm going to have to give it a try. Have y'all heard about, or tried that?

    Glory is also wearing this large rosary with czechoslovakian beads that I found on etsy.

    I also found myself a couple more lovely boudoir ladies to add to my collection via ebay. This elegant creature I've named Estella.

    And this sweet pretty lady I've named Esmerelda *winks*

    Estella looks the spitting image of my aunt! Here the two are together.

    I found this LARGE art nouveau trinket box at the antique show for $40. And it still has it's original pink silk interior!

    It's almost large enough to put the tiara inside, just to show you how unusually large it is. *winks*

    And last is this display dome that I found at the Goodwill for $4.99. The base was white and I spray painted it black which I like much better. The jewelry casket was also a Goodwill find.

    That's all for this week. Next week I'm going to shake it up with something different. I hope you'll come back and join me? And I hope you'll leave me a comment. I LOVE to hear from you! Happy Flea Marketing! Vanna
    I'm joining Sherry at No Minimalist Here for:

    Debra at Common Ground for:

    Paula and Patti at Ivy & Elephants for:

    Courtney at French Country Cottage for:

    And Cindy at My Romantic Home for:

  • Choosing the Right Blog Template

    Choosing the Right Blog Template

    I'm going to put on my marketing hat today, and let's talk about blog templates for a moment. As I'm sure you are aware, there are a lot of generic and purchasable templates available for your blog. So, which one should you choose? And, does it really make a difference?

    The answer is two-fold. If you have a blog for the sole purpose of writing your thoughts out, and you don't care if new people find you and follow you, and your family and friends will come read no matter what it looks like, then in all truth it doesn't matter at all. Pick something that makes you feel good and start typing!
    Read & Comment >>

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