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    Have a product or service to offer and need to get the word out on a budget? We can help! Target Audience: Christians, Wives, Mothers, Homemakers, Homeschoolers, Homesteaders,
    Exposure: 4,000 daily pageviews, 2,000 subscribers, 27,000 Facebook fans, 3,400 Pinterest followers, 1,000 Twitter followers.

    We offer the following advertising options which all include:

    • 1 Facebook shout-out per month (advertisers are responsible for sending the link they wanted shared)
    • 1 Twitter mention
    • 1 Google + share
    • 3 links pinned to Pinterest (advertisers must specify)
    125x125 Sidebar Ad. 1 month ad: $40.00; 3 month ad: $110.00.

    Post Sponsorship. Have your ad embedded in every post for 1 week: $40.00; 1 month: $110.00.

    Single Guest Post. $80.00. Write whatever you wish to share about your blog or business in a single guest post and include any pictures or links to any of your products. We reserve the right to edit or deny any submissions.

    Review/Giveaway: $110.00. Giveaways are a wonderful way to gain exposure for your product and the most popular choice among our advertisers. We offer sponsored giveaways for products we have personally reviewed and endorse. This includes my honest recommendation, gives my readers all the information you want them to have about your product, encourages them to click through to your site and share your shop with friends on social media platforms (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest) by featuring them as entry options in your giveaway.

    Exclusive rights. For an additional $20.00 fee per 3-month period, you can receive exclusive rights to advertising a product or service within your niche.

    We welcome any further questions at

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