Well let me start on a very happy note. My good friend Ann at LIFEATANNSPLACE Has presented me with the special "Proximidade" award. This award is a fine one because it focuses not on the glory and fanfare of blogging, but in the PROXIMITY to one another through this on-line world (kind of a Six Degrees of Separation sort of thing)."Blogs who receive this award are 'exceedingly charming' say its authors.This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY-nearness in space, time and relationships. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award." I am very honored Ann, and I would like to pass this award on to the following bloggers
1 Chari at Happy To Design
2 Lynne at Lynne's Gifts from the Heart1 Michelle at Chocolate and Marmalade Tea
2 Gloria at Happy To Be
3 Melissa at Melissa's Heart And Home4 Linda at Royaltouch
5 Chrissy at The Apothacary Shop
6 Kathy at Emptynester
7 Kristen at Something about nothin 8 Laurie at Decorating Fanatic Please stop by and say hello! They all have lovely blogs but they are even more importantly, lovely people. OK now on to my "misery loves company" portion of the post! The day before yesterday I was browsing through the listings on craigslist (y'all know how much I love it! *winks*) And I was finding little or nothing of interest when suddenly (doesn't it always go like that?) I opened up a picture and my heart stood still!! There was the most fabulous chandelier and it was only $150!!!!
Here it is! Isn't it breathtaking?!! But wait!... It gets even better! Also available by the same seller was a set of sconces to match for $75!!... Oh my goodness *drippy drool*

Doesn't get much more frenchy fabulous than this! But I found even one more item that night that made my heart skip a beat...

A painting of cherubs!! And this is the best part... $50!! Well I wasted no time and contacted both sellers with my fingers crossed, I hoped fervently that I would hear back from them. The following morning I checked my email at about 10am. Well the gal with the painting responded only to tell me that she had to sell it or put the painting in storage by 10:30. I tried to call her and was only able to talk to her machine. So that FABU painting (so sooooo me!!) wasn't to be *sob sob sniffle sniffle* But I hadn't heard anything from the seller of the chandelier. I wasn't too surprised because I figured someone beat me to it. So deciding not to dwell on my losses *winks* hubby and I set out to do a little bargain shopping. I found a very cool and frenchy soup tureen at a local antique store as well as two transferware plates for $1 ea, also an iron urn (been seeing them on many of y'all blogs and I love em!!) and a picture at the Goodwill for $5.99. So all in all not a bad haul. We arrived home and I went to catch up with some friends online when I noticed the seller of the chandelier and sconces had responded that he still had both, and could I come right away because several others were coming to look at them? This message had been left at 1:30 and it was now 4pm. I replied right away, but alas all was already sold!! I wanted to scream!! Cry!! Pull out some more of the little hair that I have! left! I know it's only stuff... But what stuff!! I was sooo sad!! Hubby said 'Don't worry, you'll find something else" I wanted to shoot him!! He could NOT relate to my pain at all! I tried to put it in terms that he could understand like "You just found the car of your dreams... One you've been looking for for years... and it's half price... but it's been sold right out from under you!!! He said "OK honey I get it... would you like to go get some ice cream at cold stone?"... What?... You dirty rotten... "Did you say Cold Stone?... Awwwww... now I know why I married that man!! *winks* He may not understand my pain every time, but he sure understands my sugar cravings!! Lol!! So alas the beauties were not to be mine... But these beauties were! I found them the other day at the Goodwill. They are the Thames River Scenes by Palissy. There are 21 pieces and they were $50. But what makes it sort of strange is that my new friend Sally over at Salmagundi found transferware in the same color on the same day also at the Goodwill!! What are the chances?... Pretty good I guess!Lol! *winks* Neither one of us can understand why anyone would give these babies up, but we're sure glad they did!!
Here are my new beauties, as well as my new white iron urn. Hmmmm I might just be able to participate in Tablescape Tuesday one of these days *winks*
And here's my ironstone frenchy soup tureen. I love the Chou Chou handles and top!
Isn't this a cool scene? The set had a soup tureen too!
As well as a small platter.
One of my dollar plates. Art nouveau in blue.
And another dollar plate in pink.
But I think this was an absolute steal!! I've been admiring every ones nativity sets this Christmas and wishing I had one. Well this one was marked $5.99 at the Goodwill. I took it up to pay for it and the cashier told me all Christmas items had been marked down to 59 cents! So I got the whole kit-n-caboodle for 59 cents!! Oh happy day!! Thank you Jesus!!
Look at this cute little cow. Surely he alone is worth 59 cents *winks*
And y'all know how much I love my sheep! Almost as much as Debbie loves her goats! Lol!
And last but not least this cute print of a french mirror. I think I'll be putting this up in my home gym. I hope y'all will come back for it's unveiling. It's been a long time coming. There always seems to be one more thing that I need to do kwim? Anyhoo did you share in my pain? Have you ever had a fabulous piece (or pieces) slip through your fingers? Did you try ice cream? Please share your stories! I really do think that if something is meant to be, it will BE. Don't you think so too?... But still... *winks*... Vanna