My Blog = My Life + village

Flea Market Finds Pour La Semaine Trente Cinq

Bonjour my friends!
It's that time again... Time for FLEA MARKET FINDS!!
Which really should be titled this week "How I found cheap cool stuff on ebay" *winks*
Alas I'm more than a little lean on the goods to share because of my (for me) extreme expenditures *sighs* I'm already eating (boxed) mac-n-cheese and I might have to add watered down beans shortly lol! But I did find a couple more French domes to add to my collection... Yes it actually IS a collection now because I have more than three! YAY!!
"When will she give those domes a rest?" You might be asking yourself... Well this is my last "dome hurrah" for a while. I'm plain out of space to display any more, so next week I have something completely different to share... And a question that I'd love for you to answer (maybe two?) so please come back OK? I'd really value your opinion.
But on to todays finds...
I'm starting with my second favorite find this time... To build tension... LOL!... No it's actually because as y'all know the first picture is the one that comes up on the blog posting and I thought this find was prettier *winks*
It's another globe de mariee with an unusual display case in pretty pink! Sooo dreamy girly fab!

You can read more about what the items in the globes symbolize HERE.

Come a little closer... It contains the original bridal headpiece from the turn of the century and has flowers dipped in wax... And isn't all that ruched pink silk luscious? *winks*
All of this "pretty" for under $200 including shipping from France! Now if you've ever priced these pieces in the US you know they tend to be uber expensive. I've found them to be so much more affordable if you buy them from ebay France HERE. Just look for the dealers who sell internationally (Monde entier) They won't show up on ebay US BUT your purchases will still be covered by paypal protection for your safety. And I've had good luck asking sellers who didn't offer international shipping if they'd be willing to make an exception? So far I've had two of them say "okey dokey". Just be sure to ask the seller to quote you a shipping price for double boxing (They're quite fragile) and make sure they include insurance. So far I've been very happy with the results. If you happen to find one for yourself please come get me! Pinky swear (pun intended) you will ok? *winks*

But this is actually my favorite find *winks* It's a Globe de Oiseaux (Victorian taxidermy bird dome) I've wanted one of these for years but the price has always been prohibitive and they're quite rare, so when a seller I'd already purchased from asked me if I might be interested? I jumped at the chance! It contains 8 different taxidermy birds (I'm not sure what all of them are) and it's a good size too at 21" tall.

I think a few are hummingbirds because they're so small.

This is a sweet little parakeet.


Here are my three newest domes grouped together.

And here's a shot of my entire domed collection.

And lastly this Chinese lady figurine was $7.99 at the local Value Village. I can always make a little more space for some chinoiserie chic *winks* I love her graceful hands.

Well that's all I have for this week... I'm off to cook those beans lol! I hope you'll come back next week for another visit. And please leave me a comment and I'll do the same. I LOVE to hear from you! Vanna

I'm joing Marty at A Stroll Thru Life for:

Sherry at No Minimalist Here for:

Honey at 2805 for:

Courtney at French Country Cottage for:

And Cindy at My Romantic Home for:

art, favorite, happy, Inspiration, life, LOVE, pie, and more:

Relevant to: Flea Market Finds Pour La Semaine Trente Cinq + village