Today let's talk about Internet Trolls. Specifically, those people who, while hiding behind their magical curtains of anonymity, are _____________ (fill in the blank... jerks, bullies, douche bags). You know who I'm talking about. If you don't, buckle up because you will. For some reason, the Internet makes a few people feel completely comfortable being colossal jerks to those around them. People take "courage" behind a keyboard where in real life they might be somebody else altogether.
To me, it's a lot like road rage. For some reason on the road, some people think it's okay to be rude, offer less than friendly gestures, or scream at others. Some go absolutely ballistic.
The other day I was driving a few miles from my home. Another car and I pulled up to the intersection simultaneously, and both of us started pulling into the intersection at the same time (it was my fault). The driver of the other car laid on the horn, started smashing his fists against the wheel, and flipped me off. It all happened in less than three seconds.
Then... we both realized it at the same time... We were friends. Neighbors. We talk to each other often. We... liked each other. He immediately melted into his seat, horrified. I shot him a friendly wave and a big smile. He melted even further and gave me a half-wave, half-smile in return. I could tell he was feeling really stupid about his outburst. I ushered him through, waved again, and that was that. I laughed for the next two minutes.
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My Blog = My Life + the reality of blogging
Internet Trolls