My Blog = My Life + writing frequency

How to come up with fresh content every day

One of the questions people often ask me is, "how do you come up with fresh content every day?"

To many people, the thought of coming up with something new or different every single day is overwhelming. I've had a lot of people ask, "what's going to happen when you run out of content?"

I'll tell you right now... coming up with fresh content every day is easy, if you keep your thoughts organized and easily accessible.

Every time I have an idea, or I find myself laughing about something noteworthy, or I have a life observation, I hurry and add it to a list in my phone or iPad (which sync together). I have different lists for Single Dad Laughing and Will Work 4 Followers.
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big blogger habits, BLOG, content, fresh, life, and more:

Relevant to: How to come up with fresh content every day + writing frequency