My Blog = My Life + LOVE

Tabletop Tuesday Variations On A French Theme

I'm joining my friend Marty at A Stroll Through Life again for Table Top Tuesday yay!!
Let me start by saying I collect incense burners... Not just any incense burners but VANTINES french incense burners from about the 20's. I have a borderline disorder for a certain shape in these cute little babies. I am obsessed... I'm over the edge I know... I can't seem to stop myself from coming back for more. I suppose it beats feeling that way about alcohol or drugs... you'll see what I mean...

Come a little closer...


Are you seeing my madness yet?

I am OBSESSED by this shape! Soooo frenchy! Sooo fabulous!... Soooo needing therapy right now! *winks* Please tell me that some of you become OCD about certain shapes-n-stuff?

This one's a little different... right?

This one too.

This one could be viewed as completely different... I'm pretty sure...

Oh what the heck! Who am I kidding? Certainly not YOU! They're pretty much all the same aren't they *sighs* What can I do?

Just in case I haven't already burned your retinas with all the frenchy metal madness, I'm throwing in this french bronze of fighting birds by the famous animalier sculptor Jules Moigniez... Hey it was on top of the table too! Just sayin... Thanks for stopping by! Didn't I make you feel so much better about yourself? *winks* Donations for therapy will be welcomed! Please leave me a comment. I'd love to hear from you... even if it is to tell me I'm nuttso compulsive. Vanna

Please stop by Marty's place and check out the other wonderful table tops!

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Relevant to: Tabletop Tuesday Variations On A French Theme + LOVE