My Blog = My Life + tips

Writing Effective Blog Posts - Phrases and Words NOT to Use

What makes an effective writer? Is it somebody who can present thoughts articulately? Is its somebody who can weave words into works of art? Is it somebody who can truly see the beginning from the end of whatever it is they're working on? Is it somebody who knows the rules of writing and keeps them?

Yes. On all counts.

And no. On all counts.

When it comes to writing, there are basic rules that you should generally follow. Then, there are times you should break those rules because it will make your piece sing. In my opinion, an effective writer is one who knows when to keep the rules and knows when she needs to break them.

So, I want to start getting into some of the ways you can write more effectively, which will in turn will bring you more followers. We can talk about tips and tricks to get people to your blog and get them to follow, but in the end, one truth rules the roost. If you aren't putting out quality content, people won't stick around for long.

Today, let's talk about Phrases and Words that you shouldn't use when writing your blog posts (keeping in mind what I said above).
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art, BLOG, effective writing, pie, Rules of Writing, and more:

Relevant to: Writing Effective Blog Posts - Phrases and Words NOT to Use + tips